
Here is a list of some of the plays I have been in, along with the characters.

  • A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare  –  Theseus and Starveling (Moonshine)
  • Merry Wives of Windsor by William Shakespeare  –  Master Page and Sir Hugh Evans
  • One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest by Milos Foreman –  Billy Bibbit
  • A Flea in Her Ear by Gorges Feydeau –  Camille
  • Tom Jones by Jon Jory –  Master Blifill
  • Comedy of Errors by William Shakespeare  –  Duke Solinus
  • Much Ado about Nothing  by William Shakespeare-  Verges
  • Measure for Measure by William Shakespeare –  Elbow
  • The Tempest  by William Shakespeare –  Trinculo